I think Drive By has become everything I wanted it to be, granted that are some stuff I think I could still do to it but I think with every project you have to know when to call it quits. If there is something that needs added to the game I will add it. Drive By has been my first ever original game idea and I'm proud of it but if you still think it could be better let me know how and ill try my best to improve on what I have.
so in this update to 1.0 I have:

 - Changed the health gain on Med level from 40 to 20 
 - Added Background Music
 - In 2 player you can only restart when a player is now dead
 - Added Mute Button
 - Added Credits 
 - Fixed Few Bugs

so I think this actually might be it for Drive By it has been an amazing first project I can only learn from this and improve on my new games I'm working on. 

         - Connor
So I've been working all day animating and adding a helpful bonus :) here's what they are;

 - Added smoke animation at the back of the car
 - Added explosion animation for when you destroy your car
- Easy Map Bonus: added 10 health every lap until you hit 100 health (no extra health) 
- Med Map Bonus: added 40 health every lap until you hit 100 health (no extra health)
- Hard Map Bonus: added 80 health every lap until you hit 100 health (no extra health) - you will be thankful for this

Sooooooo that's all I've been working on today I'm about to start work on 
some Music and Sound FX, I'll update you then. 

Will be tomorrow that update will be out
Okay this is the first serious update I've put out for this game some of the things I've done;

 - Added a car sprite (instead of a square)
 - Added an intro
 - Added a menu
 - Added multiple levels (Easy, Med, Hard)
 - Added separate leader boards for each level

So once I played around with what I had me and my game tester started looking for ways to improve this and then we came up with a few ideas witch were;

 - Remove collision for the tip of the spoiler on the car
 - Add a Help/How To option to make it easier for player to understand
 - Make the Hard level slightly easier 

Then once I had done this I realised a big part of the game was missing, I came up with the idea a few days back but wanted to get the game at least working so I added;

 - 2 Player feature

This was a missive achievement for me. It brings a whole new level of competitiveness to the game not just trying to beast someones high score you're trying to beat you friend who is sat next to you to determine who had the best driving skills. 

Well I think that is everything for DriveBy so far more coming in the future I will update you then :)

          - Connor Gaunt

    What's going on

    This is where I shall show all updates with all new releases for updates of the games


    March 2013

